Karrenstein & Love, PLLC


Areas of Personal Injury Law We Practice: Traffic Accidents | Wrongful Death

Please contact us for a free consultation if you were physically hurt due to the negligent action of another person.  This type of case is usually handled on a contingency fee.  This means that you do not owe any attorney fees unless we reach a settlement or win a trial and collect from the negligent party or the party’s insurance company.  We do not take a case unless there has been $5,000 in damages due to   medical expenses related to an injured person’s treatment, lost wages or a combination of both.  We also do not take on slip and fall, harassment or slander cases.  A case needs to have a good chance of leading a jury to want to award you money or else there is no chance to recover.  This means that the case needs to be proved rather than simply alleged.  If you have a legitimate case, call us and we will help you evaluate it.  Almost always, an insurance company will not agree to pay an injured person the money required to make the person whole unless legal action is involved.

We handle automobile accident cases and wrongful death cases. These types of personal injury cases can lead to financial compensation for medical expenses and pain & suffering and lost wages.


If you are involved in an automobile accident, there are several things that you should do:

  • Call For Help – Make sure that you and any other people involved in the car accident are all right. Contact the police so they can assist in the auto accident process, and help determine who is liable for the auto accident.
  • Move the Vehicles – If the vehicles involved in the car accident are obstructing traffic, but can be moved, move them out of the way so that further damage can be avoided.
  • Collect Information – You need to obtain all the vehicle and contact information from all drivers and passengers in the other vehicles involved in the automobile accident.
  • Do Not Make Any Admissions – A car accident can leave you shaken and confused. Often, this results in an unintended admission of fault. Admitting you are at fault can impair any insurance claim, and it may not even be correct after all the facts have been collected.
  • Find Witnesses – If there is anybody that witnessed the car accident, get their contact information. A witness testimony of your auto accident could be very helpful during the settlement of your car accident insurance claim.


Wrongful death is the legal term used when one person dies as a result of another person’s actions. A wrongful death can result from many different things. However, our practice is limited to wrongful death due to automobile accidents.

Although automobile accidents can reuslt in criminal charges for the at fault driver, a wrongful death claim is separate from the criminal action because the wrongful death claim compensates the decedent’s surviving family for losses that they have or will experience as a result of the death.  The losses that the surviving family members may recover include:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Funeral Expenses
  • Loss of Anticipated Earnings
  • Punitive Damages
  • Loss of Benefits
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Mental Anguish
  • Loss of Inheritance
  • Loss of Companionship

The surviving members of of the deceased’s family must file the wrongful death claim on behalf of the decedent. There are statutes (laws) that dictate who may file the wrongful death claim.

Sometimes, if the only surviving member of the decedent’s family is under 18 years of age, the court will assign a guardian to act in their best interests during the wrongful death claim.

Because North Carolina has  statutes of limitations that limit the amount of time you have to file personal injury and wrongful death claims, it is important for you to act quickly if you are involved in an automobile accident or your family member dies as a result of an automobile accicent due to the fault or actions of another.


Regardless of the type of personal injury claim we handle on your behalf, no money will be due from you unless we collect money for you (except when otherwise agreed/requested by the client in advance).